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Re: Tactics for eliminating spam

(This isn't really Debian development related, so further discussion should
probably be taken somewhere else, but I can't think of a suitable forum at
the moment.)

Michael Meskes <meskes@debian.org>:
> Unfortunately even this gets some real mail. There are people out there who
> generally reply to email by sending it to themselves and just CCing the real
> recipient.
> Anyway, anyone has an easy procmail rule for this?

Here's my current procmail rule file (minus irrelevant stuff such as logfile
settings). It assumes Maildir format folders, adjust accordingly.

# Try to deduce name of mailing list (and thus its folder) from headers.

* ^X-mailing-list: <\/[^@]*

* ^Delivered-To: mailing list \/[^@]*

* ^Sender: owner-\/[^@]*

# Lists not caught by the generic filters.

* ^TOfhs-discuss@ucsd.edu

* ^TOldp-l@

* ^TOiki-aktivistit

# The rest goes into inbox, on the assumption that it is personal mail.
# Except that if it doesn't have my address on the To or Cc lines, it's
# spam and goes into a crap folder.

:0 W: inbox.lock
* ^TO(liw|wirzeniu|root)


Stupid little mailer under construction, sorry for any problems.

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