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Re: Let's CENSOR it!

jenne@vampira.e.ruhr.de (Jens Lisner)  wrote on 18.03.99 in <Pine.LNX.4.05.9903182149460.4834-100000@vampira>:

> example: What about a text about the fun of child abuse (there was a big
> discussion about this in germany and a trial aginst compuserve).

And just about everyone agreed that the judge in question was an idiot,  
and the decision blatantly contradicted the law.

Oh, and AFAICT, this was more about pictures than texts. Photos of the  
real thing.

> I dont know if the argument that reading such texts and learns about
> other peoples mistakes works here.

What you learn upon reading a text seems to be one of the most  
inflammatory subjects around; let's not go into it here.

> > be great.  Our inclusion of such documents would necesarily be completely
> > scattershot, and therefore there is some risk that documents such as "Mein
> > Kampf" would draw more than their share of attention and look to the
> > unitiated or unthinking as if they were being endorsed, but I think debian
> > users on the average see straighter than that.

I've said it before - do it as a separate etext distribution. Easy to put  
in a separate policy statement that explains what's in ("whatever someone  
packages, as long as it doesn't get us into trouble with the law - and if  
it's geographically different law, make subsections or something. We don't  
endorse anything here").

MfG Kai

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