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Re: Let's CENSOR it! (was: Uploaded anarchism 7.5-1 (source all) to master)

On Fri, Mar 19, 1999 at 02:59:30PM -0800, David Bristel wrote:
> 2) Information on Linux, including legally redistributable publications should
>    be allowed.
>    2a) Technical documents which involve how to get Linux working on different
>        platforms.
>    2b) HOWTOs
>    2c) Linux Gazette, and others.
>    2d) Any other documentation that would help users use the distribution
> 3) Any non-technical "human interest" type files should NOT be allowed.  

Is a document like the Cathedral & Bazaar belonging to 2 or 3?

> 4) Any files that would lead to illegal activities or actions that would be
>    considered illegal.  This includes guides on how to hack or crash other
>    computer systems.

This is at least troublesome. Encryption is not allowed in some countries.
This is just one example. Which countries laws are making the definition?

What about information from bugtraq? This can be used to crack other

I think that point 4 is hard to clarifice and should be dropped. I hpoe
every Debian developer has enough taste not to package explanations how to
build bombs or to kill people.

> I hope that most will agree that the above guidelines are fairly common sense.
> Now, I will note that religious documents are also covered in 3, since religion
> shouldn't come into play in a distribution.  Any flames, or comments are
> welcome.

Well, in general I think such a set of guidelines is not very useful,
because people could and will try to bend the definitions anyway (it is tempting
to sell the bible text as example data for the text reader and so on).

I would vote against such formal restrictions, but I thank you that you at
least made the attempt to formalize them. Maybe other people will havemore
constructive critique, sorry.

(I had another idea, which I mailed in another post, starting a new thread).

Thank you,

`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian http://www.debian.org   finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann              GNU    http://www.gnu.org     master.debian.org
Marcus.Brinkmann@ruhr-uni-bochum.de                        for public  PGP Key
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