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Re: Intent to package: abisource

On Tue, Mar 16, 1999 at 11:18:36AM -0800, Darren Benham wrote:
> This software, while not done, is done enough that I can use it for 90% of
> what my wife keeps Word around for and the office at work keeps amipro for.
> I'm stoked.  

Yeah, I was pretty impressed with what they had at linuxworld.  I
didn't think that it was quite as advanced as it is...

I'm curious to see how their commercial efforts will turn out.  Afaik,
they are the only company that is actually basing their business off
of open source software *that they wrote*.

Thanks, this will be good to have:->
David N. Welton               |   Fortune rota volvitur - descendo minoratus
davidw@prosa.it               |    alter in altum tollitur - nimis exaltatus
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www.debian.org - www.prosa.it |        nam sub axe legimus - Hecubam reginam

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