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Re: EISA hell

On Fri, 12 Mar 1999, Simon Dicker wrote:

> Dear Anyone
> I am trying to port some C software from DOS to LINUX.  The software
> drives a (custom) EISA board using routines such as inportb and outport
> from the dos.h library.  So far I can not find equivalent LINUX routines, 
> nor can I get the PC (a pentium) to recognize the board.  I am now at the
> stage of beating my head against the wall.  Could anyone point me in a
> good direction?
> 		Thanks for any help you can give
> 						Simon
> PS the board is based on a JDR-PR10 prototyping board but so far I can
> find no information on how to program this under any language.

I've never heard of a JDR-PR10, but I'm probably one of the *very* few
people on here who even know about EISA, much less it's little

FYI; don't. Don't don't don't. Just make a DOS bootdisk, put the EISA
utils on it, and deal with it. Unless the drivers are absolutely
*necessary* for the board's operation (ie; it's a backplane), EISA is
already supported in the kernel.

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