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FVWM 2.2 officially released

FVWM 2.2 has just been released officially, so that FVWM 1.x is no
longer supported or maintained.  However, the Debian version of fvwm2
which I have just adopted has so many open bug reports that I dare not
deprecate fvwm for the time being.

But when I do, I have an interesting problem: how to do the
conversion.  There is a script available for converting .fvwmrc files
to .fvwm2rc files, and I can remove the fvwm package from
ftp.debian.org.  But how can I ensure that people know to use the
fvwm2 package?  I know that this is an ongoing problem, so here are
the alternatives as I see them:

(1) Have fvwm become an empty package (priority extra) which Depends:
    fvwm2.  OK.

(3) Use some nice, new Replaced-by: feature or similar.  If it

But neither is particularly nice.  Any views?

Also, fvwm is now copying the Linux numbering scheme of 2.2.x being
the stable version and 2.3.x being unstable.  How would it be to have
a separate (conflicting) fvwm2-beta package following the development



  Julian Gilbey, Dept of Maths, QMW, Univ. of London. J.D.Gilbey@qmw.ac.uk
             Debian GNU/Linux Developer.  jdg@debian.org
       -*- Finger jdg@master.debian.org for my PGP public key. -*-

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