Re: dbuild running automatically on potato source tre
> Jim Pick <>:
> control-center gnome-core gnome-libs gnome-objc gnome-utils
> libungif rpm2html swish++
Looking at, I see:
control-center - failed because imlib wasn't installed on the build system.
It would need gnome-libs as well.
gnome-core - needs gnome-libs and a bunch of things installed to build
gnome-libs - needs orbit installed (plus imlib)
gnome-objc - gtk mismatch
gnome-utils - needs gtkxmhtml (from gnome-libs)
libungif - `AM_PROG_INSTALL' is obsolete. aclocal needs to be run.
rpm2html - needs librpm1-dev (probably wouldn't work anyways, I
need to update it)
swish++ - failed because of a bug in debhelper which has since
been fixed
Most failures seem to be due to missing (or incorrect) development
packages at build time. That would be a good thing to look at
improving in the future. The wanna-build stuff has a system for
guessing source dependencies that might be usefull.
- Jim
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