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Re: GIMP Contest is quite a success!

On Sun, Feb 21, 1999 at 11:32:43PM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > a lot of discussion was going on if the GIMP contest
> > was a good idea, and that you can´t draw a good logo with a pixel based gfx
> > program etc etc etc.
> That's not what I said.  Please reread my two initial mails.

Well, it was not addressed at you personally.
> > Don´t put the GIMP contest down before it is finished.
> Terminating the contest wasn't my intention.  However I wasn't not
> sure if it was a good idea to use the gimp contest for such a thing,
> just because gimp is not a vector based program and logos are vectors
> and because there are expers for drawings/paintings but not for logos.
> The GIMP contest was started and so it will end.

Fair enough. However, there is no way to reach a group of vector/logo
specialists interested in Free Software, at least no one I know of.
The GIMP Contest is the best we have, IMnsHO.

> It was very important for me to mention that what I saw from the
> contest on tuesday would be able to lead into no new logo.  We
> should *not* depend on the GIMP contest nor trust the GIMP users
> to do the right thing everytime.  What I saw led me to the conclusion
> that we didn't give enough input which is probably our fault and 
> thus we have to try to fix this.  Which is why I requested everybody
> to think about logos and submit whatever he finds useful so we
> get enough ideas to choose from.

I got a different opinion from what I saw. Most certainly many entries are
unusable for us, but this should not distract us from the fact that there
are quite a lot usable ones,a some of them very excellent design work.

(it is a different story if you think they are good logos fro Debian, but
this is opinion).

> > Remember how hard it is to design a logo, and how recently the logo contest was
> > begun.
> Err, you don't have to tell this to *me* since I spent 5 hours on
> my 5 logo drafts and wasted several sheets of paper.  I was in this
> business before and do I know that it costs time.

Well, again this was not adressed directly at you. However, the conclusion
is that the quality of the submissions will increase over time automatically
(this is statistic), so there is good hope that the Gimp contest will give
satisfactory results.

We will have a vote, and "further discussion" or "keep old logo" will most
certainly be part of the choices. This is all what is needed, IMHO.

Thank you,

`Rhubarb is no Egyptian god.' Debian http://www.debian.org   finger brinkmd@ 
Marcus Brinkmann              GNU    http://www.gnu.org     master.debian.org
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