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Re: Resellers/Random thoughts on commercialism

On Sat, 20 Feb 1999, Stephen Crowley wrote:

> I was just discussing this idea with some folks on IRC and we seem to agree
> it would be a good idea.  I think it would be nice if we could have an
> "Resellers" or "Ordering" link on the main page on www.debian.org. With a

An ordering link would be OK, but Debian selling the CD's is not a good
idea in my opinion.  I admin the non-profit freenet ccil.org where we do
not charge for internet access and training.  Other freenets have charged
for certain services and are now facing big complications from the IRS on
their non profit status.  Selling some CD's may bring in some money, but
you may end up paying all the profits to lawyers and accountants to deal
with it.

> I don't know about everyone else but I for one am sick and tired of seeing
> all these mainstream media stories about how great linux is and then they go
> on to only mention redhat, suse and caldera. I've found that the main reason

What is needed is better marketing of Debian!  I think hiring a good
writer like my friend Kathy to do PR will go a lot farther than selling


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