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Re: Resellers/Random thoughts on commercialism

On Sat, Feb 20, 1999 at 01:59:31PM -0800, Jim Pick wrote:
> David Welton <davidw@master.debian.org> writes:
> > I don't even think it would be a bad idea if we sold something
> > ourselves.  There's nothing wrong with selling free software.
> > Organizing this, though, might be difficult.
> I don't like the idea.  If the projects sells CDs directly, it creates
> unfair competition for people who'd like to sell Debian CDs
> themselves, or base a distribution off of Debian.
Debian could sell CDs at a very UN-competitive price, so as not to
compete with CD vendors, but letting consumers have an avenue to
pay an obviously inflated price (with the knowledge that all of the
money goes to the Debian project directly).  Charge $20 dollars over
what any of the CD vendors charge.  I'd buy it.

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