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dupload problem

     When I upload a package I first issue the command "ssh-agent
bash", then "dupload -t master <package-name>.changes".  This does the
job, but asks for my pass-phrase twice for each file being uploaded.

     I think it used to require entering the pass-phrase only once for
each package, but I don't remember making any changes to
/etc/dupload.conf recently.  The section of /etc/dupload.conf
pertaining to master is:

$cfg{master} = {
	fqdn => "master.debian.org",
	login => "hilliard",
	method => "scp",
	incoming => "/home/Debian/ftp/private/project/Incoming/",
	mailto => "debian-changes\@lists.debian.org", # stable, contrib, non-free
	mailtx => "debian-devel-changes\@lists.debian.org",	# unstable, exper.
	visibleuser => "hilliard",
	visiblename => "debian.org",
	fullname => "Bob Hilliard",

     How can I eliminate the excessive number of pass-phrase entries?

  |_)  _  |_       Robert D. Hilliard    <hilliard@flinet.com>
  |_) (_) |_)      Palm City, FL  USA    PGP Key ID: A8E40EB9

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