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Re: non-free and "cd-ok", again

--On Fri, Jul 3, 1998 7:15 pm +0100 "Philip Hands" <phil@hands.com> wrote: 

>> especially since making life of CD
>> vendors easier would simply be a matter of setting up two directories
>> on the FTP site which distinguish between "distributable on CD" and
>> "non-distributable on CD"?
> Not true, I'm afraid.
> Where would you put a package that says ``not to be distributed with 
> commercial software'' ?  How do we know what a CD vendor is going to
> with Debian CD's.  Should we leave it out, in which case the vendors who
> not including such software would be deprived of it needlessly ?
> There area whole load of restriction that _might_ mean that a package
could not 
> be included in specific cases, while not ruling out CD distribution across
> board.

Well, the answer to this particular problem, IMO, is to simply only include
those packages which are unambiguously distributable (e.g. mysql, qt).

So, we have a subset of non-free which is non-free-dist-free.

Which means that it is freely distributable, including for profit, under all
circumstances, but fails the DFSG in other respects - presumably, because it
is restricted in its use, or does not come with source.

However, I'm not going to do this :-)  Because I am disinclined to support
non-free software in this way.  But, if someone wants to, and if they come
back to debian-devel with a putative list of packages which are freely
distributable, then I will happily lobby the rest of the developing body
that we create a new tag for these pieces of software, to make CD producers
lives easier.

So, there's my final offer!  If you want to do the work of reading the
licenses, thinking carefully, and deciding what is unambiguously freely
distributable, I will back you here...


|  Jelibean aka  | jules@jellybean.co.uk         |  6 Evelyn Rd        |
|  Jules aka     | jules@debian.org              |  Richmond, Surrey   |
|  Julian Bean   | jmlb2@hermes.cam.ac.uk        |  TW9 2TF *UK*       |
|  Debian GNU/Linux - "Microsoft *does* have a year 2000 problem -     |
|                      and we're it!" (paraphrased from IRC)           |

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