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Re: lintian -- detecting hundrets of bugs within seconds...

Christian Schwarz <schwarz@monet.m.isar.de> writes:

> [In reply to the discussion about Perl/Python/etc:]
> Note, that my current lintian version only contains bash and perl scripts
> (since I have done all the coding so far) so the upcoming lintian package
> will be "architecure: all" and have no depends at all (remember, that
> perl-base is essential).

This is usually my explanation to why I code in perl, even though it is slower
(and sometimes _MUCH_ slower that compiled code). It can run on any machine
more or less out of the box...

> I'm currently working on a first alpha release of lintian which will
> contain the first 5 check scripts. Hopefully, I'll manage to release it
> this weekend or early next week. I suggest to postpone all lintian
> design/language discussion until then. (I don't expect valuable comments
> about the design from people who haven't seen the code yet ;-)

I don't really understand why people object to your choice of language, you
are the author, your call... I wouldn't like if someone started to object to
my choices... :)

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