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Re: lintian -- detecting hundrets of bugs within seconds...

[In reply to the discussion about Perl/Python/etc:]

The code that I contribute to lintian will be written in Perl. (I don't
have the time to write this in C. If someone wants to translate it into
another programming language, feel free to do so. Everything is GPL'ed.)

Richard prefers Python and does not know Perl. That's fine with me. 
Lintian has a very modular design and any part can be written in any
programming language. (For example, some parts are bash shell scripts,
since they are so easy.) 

Note, that my current lintian version only contains bash and perl scripts
(since I have done all the coding so far) so the upcoming lintian package
will be "architecure: all" and have no depends at all (remember, that
perl-base is essential).

I'm currently working on a first alpha release of lintian which will
contain the first 5 check scripts. Hopefully, I'll manage to release it
this weekend or early next week. I suggest to postpone all lintian
design/language discussion until then. (I don't expect valuable comments
about the design from people who haven't seen the code yet ;-)



--          _,,     Christian Schwarz
           / o \__   schwarz@monet.m.isar.de, schwarz@schwarz-online.com,
           !   ___;   schwarz@debian.org, schwarz@mathematik.tu-muenchen.de
           \  /        
  \\\______/  !        PGP-fp: 8F 61 EB 6D CF 23 CA D7  34 05 14 5C C8 DC 22 BA
   \          /         http://fatman.mathematik.tu-muenchen.de/~schwarz/

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