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Re: dpkg-ftp for testing

Hi Steve,

As the answer to your mail may be of interest to other people, I took
the liberty to CC the list.

Steve Greenland writes:
 > Why aren't you working from the 1.5.1 base in experimental? It was
 > conceptually a *big* improvement over 1.4.x, providing some really nice
 > features such as being able to configure multiple servers (i.e. non-us,
 > or local servers), and to activate/deactivate individual servers (i.e.
 > I could configure several mirrors, and activate the one best current
 > response).

I choosed 1.4.x as a base a good reason:

* The original patch I sent to Klee was based on 1.4.8, that is I
started work on my own *before* Klee released the 1.5.x series

I choosed not to go on improving 1.5.x for some other reasons:

* it was a conceptually big improvement, and I didn't want to spend
time porting to a somewhat different software architecture, because of
some design points I consider as flaws (most notably, Klee didn't
thought of us poor europeans paying our local phone calls, and quite
large changes would have to be done to fix that)

* it's not just perl any more, as it uses python + tk for the
graphical interface, and I'd have to learn both of them just for this
(yes I'll learn them at some time, but just not now) -- I already had
to learn perl just to look at 1.4.x ;)

* Klee seemed to work on the package at this time, and had answerd
positively to my feedbacks, so I thought he would go on and fix the
critical problems.

* Now I still hope someone will take further the development of the
1.5.x series, but I'd suggest to change its name from dpkg-ftp (as it
allow far more than ftp), and I don't have much time to do that
(especially the kbd package needs some work before freeze time)

 > Well, sorry for the bitch session. Your work is appreciated; I just hate
 > to see a good prototype lost.

I sincerely hope it's not lost !

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