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dpkg-ftp for testing

A new pre-release is available on master in ~dirson/.  This one has
undergone more tests that pre3, and starts to be really usable.

This release still misses:

* support for MDTM-eating firewalls if needed (Stephen: any news ?)
* remembering passwords at retry-time (I'm studying perl manpages ;)

Here's the changelog entries between pre3 and pre4. Items marked with
"LOCAL:" are pre-release-bug fixes, to be omitted in final release.

dpkg-ftp ( unstable; urgency=low

  * Changed default ftp dir to "/pub/debian/dists", default distribs
    to "stable/main stable/non-free stable/contrib".
  * SECURITY: Made vars file 0600 because of possible unencoded
    passwords in it.
  * Factorized all files to use  do_connect() and yesno().
  * Added a Makefile (make do_install) to simplify local installs for
  * First try at supporting authenticated FTP proxies (thanks to Jason
    Gunthorpe <jgg@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca> for guidelines).
  * Don't run "dpkg --*-avail" if no Packages files was updated.
  * LOCAL: Fixed missing message on Packages.gz fetch-continuation.
  * LOCAL: Corrected missing quote in awk invocation (thanks to Joel
    Klecker <jk@espy.org> for signaling this).
  * Fixed update to have "dpkg --clear-avail" effectively running (not
    tested though - it will tell).

 -- Yann Dirson <dirson@debian.org>  Tue,  3 Feb 1998 01:55:54 +0100

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