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Re: Consens for `Filename: ' in Packages file?

> * What is the official place for things like non-US on a, say
> ``european'' CD?  What the layout of this CD?
> 	  ./dists/stable/main/
> 	  ./dists/stable/contrib
> 	  ./dists/stable/non-free/
> 	  ./dists/stable/non-US/

Would look natural...

> and what is _expected_ in the Filename: header for the non-us packages.

Then it should be the standard also used under main, right?

> ... shouldn't the mirrors outside the US be setup as the above
> scheme shows? It should be relativly easy for the mirror maintainer
> to create it. (As done on my private debian mirror.)

I also already thought about whether I should implement that on
ftp.uni-erlangen.de, but there are a few problems. Most notably, the
Packages file under non-US/ will still be incorrect. Ok, I could
correct it with a little script after the mirror run, but that has to
be redone daily, even if the Packages file hasn't changed. mirror will
see that Packages has changed and will fetch it again every day...

For how to mirror nonus.debian.org, there are two possibilities:

 - Let it go into a separate dir, e.g. /pub/.../debian/debian-nonUS,
   and make symlinks dists/{stable,unstable}/non-US ->
   ../debian-nonUS/{stable,unstable}. Those symlinks must be added to
   the delete_excl pattern of mirror, otherwise they would be removed
   when the main mirror runs.

 - Make two mirrors of nonus.debian.org, one for /debian-non-US/stable
   and one for /debian-non-US/unstable, and let them physically go to 
   dists/{stable,unstable}/non-US. Again, those two dirs must be added
   to delete_excl. What I don't like about this is that 1) the
   README.mirrors in the toplevel dir of nonus.debian.org is lost, and
   2) that it's incompatible with the former layout, so users may have
   to adapt scripts/configuration.

What was your solution?


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