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Re: What's Debian's /usr/src policy

jk@espy.org (Joel Klecker)  wrote on 16.01.98 in <v04003a09b0e596154118@[]>:

> The current problem is that libc6-dev depends on 'kernel-headers-2.0.32' or
> 'kernel-source-2.0.32'.
> I suggest it depend on 'kernel-headers' instead, and then each architecture
> would provide its own arch-dependant 'kernel-headers' package (which could
> be a virtual package), it would install into /usr/include{asm,linux}, thus
> leaving room for 'kernel-source' in /usr/src.

That's one problem. Another is that people seem to try to circumvent the  

I'd suggest doing a libc6-khdr_2.0.32-4.deb instead, that installs into  
/usr/include/{asm,linux}. (Btw, that one would probably be Architecture:  
any, not all.)

This name should make it clear to people that this package is part of  
libc6 - people don't seem to believe this of kernel-headers.

MfG Kai

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