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Re: /home as noexec and X

-> > > an sh script, but I totally agree; Debian should not require
-> > > ~/.xsession to be executable. I don't think any other Unixes do.
-> > 
-> > redhat does ...
-> Well, that does it.  I'm dropping our requirement effective immediately.
-> No, seriously, the if -x thing is a reasonable suggestion and easy to
-> implement.

hmmm, this script should execute the script exactly as the user wants;

head=`head -1 $HOME/.xsession`
if [ `echo $ head |cut -c1-2` = "#!" ]
	eval `echo $head | cut -c3-` $HOME/.xsession
	sh $HOME/.xsession

 Matus "fantomas" Uhlar, sysadmin at NETLAB+ Kosice, Slovakia
 BIC coord for *.sk; admin of netlab.irc.sk; co-admin of irc.felk.cvut.cz

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