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Re: ppp and ip-up.d, ip-down.d

>>>>> "Marc" == Marc Haber <Marc.Haber-lists@gmx.de> writes:

    Marc> As you see, ip-up and ip-down export $PPP_OPERATION which is
    Marc> either "up" or "down" and proceed to call run-parts
    Marc> /etc/ppp/ip.d.

    Marc> This way, matching procedures being done at the beginning
    Marc> and/or end of a PPP connection are beautifully integrated
    Marc> into a single script which is IMHO easier to maintain and
    Marc> less error-prone.

    Marc> It is entirely possible that I am particularly stupid and
    Marc> have failed to notice a major design flaw in my idea. I'd
    Marc> really like to hear your comments.

    Marc> Any hints and/or comments will be appreciated.

This doesn't allow for services to be stopped in a different order
from which they're started, unless you have scripts which only operate
on an "up" or "down" PPP_OPERATION, thus giving you two scripts for
each service again.


ADML Support, EUCS, The University of Edinburgh.

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