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Re: Are DFSG free package in non-us part of Debian?

*-"Davide G. M. Salvetti" <salve@debian.org>
| How many Debianars think this way?  I can't believe there are many!?

I, for one, agree with you. Just to illustrate (what I believe is)
your point further:

Apt is GPL. Most of us would agree that this makes apt free. Let's
assume that for some silly reason I pronounce that it is not allowed
to use apt in my house¹ while drinking tea. Does this make apt less
free? Surely not. Once something is released under a free license it
is not possible for Mr. Somebody to automagically make it non-free.

The issue that my example did not cover, is the technical difficulties
involved with the USA being home of master/ftp. This is a technical
problem and has nothing to do with freedom. If for some reason my computer
was the only one in the world where apt could run, and I forced
everyone to drink tea while they were in my house¹, that would not make
apt non-free.

¹Hypothetically; I'm too young and poor to have a house.
The only way tcsh "rocks" is when the rocks are attached to its feet
in the deepest part of a very deep lake.             (Linus Torvalds)
olet@ifi.uio.no   [-: .elOle. :-]   olet@debian.org

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