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Re: exmh (was Re: Indefinite leave from Debian.)

>>>>> "Anders" == Anders Hammarquist <iko@cd.chalmers.se> writes:

    Anders> Igor!  Sorry to see you go. Time is certainly something
    Anders> all of us could use some more of. Good luck in your future
    Anders> endevours!

Me too. :(

    Igor> Anyway, here are the things that are getting officially
    Igor> orphaned. Packages:

    Igor> exmh - A few outstanding bugs.  Great mail reader.

    Anders> Now, I can't let my favourite MUA get orphaned, so unless
    Anders> someone's already grabbed it, I'll take it.

I'm extremely glad you've done this. :) Many of my cow-orkers use
exmh. If you didn't take it over, I'd probably have offered, even
though I don't use it.


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