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Re: huge lists

On Thu, 22 Oct 1998 01:40:18 +1000, Tyson Dowd wrote:

>>     Then they should change.  It is that simple.

>Are you serious?


>You talk about a relatively major undertaking as if it
>is like changing your underwear.

    Relatively major undertaking?  I've changed ISPs 5-6 times in the past
5-6 years.  A realatively major undertaking is *moving*.  Changing ISPs is a
simple matter of a username, a password, dns and a few server changes.  All
in all, 5 minutes, tops.  Compared to that cooking a modest dinner is a feat
of heroism.

>Would you suggest that people living in places where there
>is no other ISP to choose from change houses as well?

    Nope.  That isn't reasonable.  But then, asking the rest of the world to
change for them isn't reasonable either.  For them I have three words.  Deal
with it.  I live in California.  I dislike how certain parts of this
geographical area affect my life.  But I'm not demanding that people in this
area as well as around the world change their lifes to suit mine.  I deal
with it.

>>     But debian-user is not the ONLY support pechanism for Debian.  And >>the list mantainers can hardly slow or stop the tide of new people >>posting.  It  is not something they can do.  For you to even suggest it is >>something they  can is unreasonable on your part.

>I suggested nothing of the sort.  Why even make something like
>that up?

    Well, you did complain that the volume is getting larger.

>I suggest the lists can be presented to users in other manners.

    Which they are.

>I suggest that subscribing to the lists is not the only way to for users
>to get support from the lists (except, judging by the Debian web site at
>the moment, at the moment it is).

    The lists are not the only form of support for Debian.

>>     What's stopping them from doing that now?  Here is what I got from
>> Dejanews with a search of "huge lists" in forums of "*debian*".

>Great.  Lets put a pointer to it on the web site.  At least 
>half the problem is solved.  Except a web interface to
>posting would be nice.

    Was it so hard to try to look on DejaNews?

>Which was what the original post suggested, but as I predicted,
>the suggestion was ignored in favour of a discussion about
>mail readers and filtering.

    No, it hasn't been ignored.  Not by me.  I pointed out that some of your
suggestions are already implimented.  So where is the problem?

         Steve C. Lamb         | I'm your priest, I'm your shrink, I'm your
         ICQ: 5107343          | main connection to the switchboard of souls.

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