Re: Desperate need for a config tool
On Fri, 09 Oct 1998 14:35:51 +0200 (CEST), Igor Mozetic wrote:
>However, a tool like that, [ a general configuration tool ] with
>Debian support (eg, all packages with config files
>should register with it, like menu system) would certainly bring
>Debian much closer to non-experienced users.
>Now the obvious: "Why don't you do it?"
>First, I lack the expertise, and second, such a tool really requires
>to be accepted into the Debian policy.
>This note shouldn't be taken as a criticism to your great work, but
>rather as a point of view of a grateful, non-expert user.
>If anybody cares, I'm willing to give a detailed account of typical
>configuration problems.
Hi everybody,
I'm not a debian developer myself (yet!!!), but I've following the
project very close for some time, and I could imagine to, perhaps,
getting involved right here. Right now, I only have a vague idea how
this huge task could be done. Basically it starts out similarly to
dhelp, but in the end, configuration will certainly be even more
complex than documentation. (There simply is no general way how to
convert configuration file formats.)
Is anybody out there, who already has done some work on this? I really
don't want to do the work a second time! Otherwise I would simply start
out with a first scratch of guidelines. Of course I I would do the
whole work very open for discussion, since the project would really
have to be accepted by the whole community.
I can't promise right now that I'm the right man for the job, though,
but I'm willing to at least start out on it and see how far I come...
Norbert "Nobbi" Nemec
Paul-Gerhardt-Str. 4
90765 Fuerth
Tel: 0911-761206
Fax: 0911-7658329
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