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Re: JDK src directory?

>>>>> "John" == John Goerzen <jgoerzen@complete.org> writes:
    John> The package referrs to "src.zip".  I have no idea, really,
    John> where src.zip is, though.

Ah, yes, src.zip used to be part of the jdk1.1-dev package.  However,
I stopped carrying it when I reworked the package to build solely from
the blackdown porters' .tar.gz file.

    John> One can simply download the JDK for Solaris, untar the
    John> thing, and it gives you the necessary source.

I would strongly suggest check JavaSoft's website for licensing on
src.zip (and the jdk in general).  Looking at that file could prevent
you from contributing to clean-room implementations of a JVM (eg
kaffe).  Of course, if you never plan to do that then there's no
problem. :)

Perl is really designed more for the guys that will hack Perl at least
20 minutes a day for the rest of their career.  TCL/Python is more a
"20 minutes a week", and VB is probably in that "20 minutes a month"
group. :) -- Randal Schwartz

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