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Re: "Official CD" screwups (Was: Why only one non-free section?)

>On Thu, Sep 17, 1998 at 03:05:39PM +0100, Charles Briscoe-Smith wrote:
>> But then, this won't catch my cdrom drive, which is on /dev/hda.
>> (/dev/hdb is a floppy, and /dev/hdc is my hard disk.)  And some people
>> will have their cdrom in more obscure places still.

Joseph Carter writes:
>That above was a config file line you set containing devices you have which
>may contain mountables with Debian dists on them---ie anything bigger than a
>floppy drive might qualify.

Oh, I see.  Still, it would be good to be able to automatically tailor
the defaults to the system at install time, wouldn't it?

>2.1.x does not give me all the info I want on the IDE and SCSI systems.  I
>wanna be able to with /proc find where a Zip drive is.  Or rather, any IDE
>or SCSI removable device and what /dev/?d? device is connected to it.

I don't know about SCSI, but IDE information seems fairly complete.
You can tell which devices are available, and whether they're floppy,
cdrom, tape or disk; that should be enough to offer sensible defaults.
For other stuff, you're probably right, and I was being too optimistic.
But then, given that we already have /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info, I would
hope that it will be matched by similar files for the other possible
device types.  But I suppose that won't happen before 2.2, will it?

Charles Briscoe-Smith
White pages entry, with PGP key: <URL:http://alethea.ukc.ac.uk/wp?95cpb4>
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