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Packaged maildrop

	Hi. I needed maildrop for a client, so I packaged it;
	it's already in master's incoming. Here's the Readme:

            maildrop - mail delivery agent with filtering abilities
   Current version is 0.54a
   Copyright 1998, Double Precision Inc.
   This program is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
   License. See COPYING for additional information.
Where to find maildrop

   The HTML version of the maildrop README is located at
   . Although the following files may also be found there, please check
   your favorite archive for any local copies:
   maildrop-0.54a.tar.gz - the source code tarball.
   maildrop-0.54a-1.src.rpm - the distribution source code in the RPM
   format. To build a binary RPM run the command rpm --rebuild
   maildrop-0.54a-1.i386.rpm - prebuilt binary RPM for Red Hat 5.1 i386.
   The RPMs are signed with my PGP key:
   maildrop includes documention in HTML, as well as traditional man
   pages. The HTML versions may also be found at

   maildrop is a replacement for your local mail delivery agent. maildrop
   reads a mail message from standard input, then delivers the message to
   your mailbox. maildrop knows how to deliver mail to mbox-style
   mailboxes, and maildirs. "maildir" is a mailbox format used by the
   Qmail MTA.
   maildrop can optionally read instructions from a file on how to filter
   incoming mail, and, based upon the instructions, deliver mail to
   alternate mailboxes, or forward it to somewhere else, like procmail.
   Unlike procmail, maildrop uses a structured filtering language that's
   a bit easier on the eyes.
   maildrop is written in C++, and is significantly larger than procmail,
   in compiled form. However, it uses resources much more efficiently.
   Unlike procmail, maildrop will not read a 10 megabyte mail message
   into memory. Large messages are saved in a temporary file, and are
   filtered from that file. Files are saved in the user's home directory.
   If the standard input to maildrop is a file, not a pipe, no temporary
   file will be necessary.
   maildrop performs syntax checks on the filter file before attempting
   to deliver a message. Unlike procmail, if the filter file contains
   syntax errors, maildrop will terminate without delivering the message,
   allowing the user to fix the typo, and try again later without losing
   any mail.
   maildrop uses the GNU autoconf configure script.

   See the file INSTALL for installation information. If you are using an
   RPM-based Linux distribution, you can install the binary RPM (see
   above), or rebuild the source RPM, normally.
Using maildrop with sendmail

   Maildrop can be easily used as sendmail's local delivery agent,
   instead of procmail. Here is the suggested entry for sendmail.cf,
   courtesy of Eric J. Schwertfeger <ejs@bfd.com>:

Mlocal,         P=/usr/local/bin/maildrop, F=lsAw5:/|@SPfhn, S=10/30, R=20/40,
                A=maildrop -d $u

   You may also consider including the D, F, and M flags as well.
Revision history

     * V0.54a - miscellaneous fixes. Default SHELL to /bin/sh if the
       shell is not specified in /etc/passwd. FreeBSD does not support
       lockf() on /dev/null - lockf() will not cause a fatal error if it
       fails on a character or a block special file. Fixed bug in
       configure script regarding failed initialization of
       --enable-restrict-trusted flag.
     * V0.54 - edited the documentation. Added support for VPATH builds
       using automake - suggested by Harlan Stenn
       <Harlan.Stenn@pfcs.com>. Major rework of the configuration code.
       Changed all #define-s in config.h to use the configure script.
     * V0.51c - Fixed the subtraction operator bug. Added sendmail
     * V0.51b - Fixed compilation error for BSD. Fixed spurious "invalid
       directory permission" error if $HOME/.mailfilters does not exist
       in special embedded mode - maildrop will simply indicate quiet
     * V0.51 - ported to RedHat 5.1, added /etc/maildroprc global filter
     * V0.50 - first public release.

tv-nospam-sig-1@hq.yok.utu.fi - it's a valid address w/o spam

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