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Intent to package runas...


From the Readme:
#         Runas is a program that allows the super-user to run a program as if
# an ordinary user ran it. There are two main uses for runas, and both relate
# to security.
#         One is to allow the super-user to execute a binary given by an
# un-trusted user. Suppose the program is /usr/smith/program. The super-user
# simply creates a dummy account, say one called 'nobody' which doesn't have
# sufficient privileges to do any harm (the account needn't have login
# capability). The super-user can then do:
# 'runas nobody /usr/smith/program'

Michael Bramer - a Debian Certified Linux Developer        http://www.debian.org
PGP: finger grisu@master.debian.org   --   Linux Sysadmin   --  Use Debian Linux
"The Box said 'Windows NT or better', so I installed Debian Linux"

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