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Re: Work for developers

John Lapeyre <lapeyre@physics.Arizona.EDU> writes:

> 	I thought we were supposed to prefer egcc.  How am I supposed to
> write a rules file that uses egcc, otherwise?

I'm not aware of any policy to 'prefer' egcc. Certainly Linus doesn't
prefer it to build the kernel, that speaks for itself. See the message by
Matthias Klose on how to test for egcc.

> A related question: How can
> I write a rules file that compiles a C routine on non-i386 arch., but
> chooses an assembler routine when building for i386 (a couple of packages
> have this option) I'll do it if someone tells me how.

something like this in debian/rules works for me:

ARCH = $(shell dpkg --print-installation-architecture)

# i386 build - special optimisations
ifeq ($(ARCH),i386)

	make x86 -DX86_ASM etc...

# non-i386 build

	make normal_package etc...



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