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Re: Can we do without non-free?

On Thu, 20 Aug 1998, Joop Stakenborg wrote:

 : Joey Hess wrote:
 : >
 : > Those who don't want to work on non-free are welcome not to. There are
 : > packages in non-free that have no counterpart in main.
 : >
 : Here is my point: we want to distribute FREE software. Why do we need to have
 : a non-free section? What packages from non-free do we really need?

I think you are confused (or intentionally ignoring part of the Social
Contract) ...

Social Contract, guideline 5:

5. Programs That Don't Meet Our Free-Software Standards 

     We acknowledge that some of our users require the use of programs
     that don't conform to the Debian Free Software Guidelines. We have
     created "contrib" and "non-free" areas in our FTP archive for this
     software. The software in these directories is not part of the
     Debian system, although it has been configured for use with Debian.
     We encourage CD manufacturers to read the licenses of software
     packages in these directories and determine if they can distribute
     that software on their CDs. Thus, although non-free software
     isn't a part of Debian, we support its use, and we provide
     infrastructure (such as our bug-tracking system and mailing lists)
     for non-free software packages.

"contrib" and "non-free" are "not part of the Debian system" ... so your
argument that they are part of the distribution (and therefore a
contradiction) is invalid.

Nathan Norman
MidcoNet  410 South Phillips Avenue  Sioux Falls, SD
mailto:finn@midco.net           http://www.midco.net
finger finn@home.midco.net for PGP Key: (0xA33B86E9)

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