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Intent to package??

Hi all,

I have just debianized a url redirector that I and a colleague wrote, and
I was wondering if it would be useful for inclusion in the debian

It is used as an addition to the squid proxy server, but is much more
configurable than the example given in the squid documentation.  Or has
someone else allready made one that I didn't see??

Can people give me an idea if this is a worthwile project??

Also, I'm going to try and debianize a version of CAP which was just
ported to glibc2.  If anyone is interested in helping with this then let
me know (I don't have much experience, so any help would be good!).

Finally, is their a maintainer in Melbourne, Australia who could possibly
sign my public key??

Thanks everyone,


          Debian GNU/Linux....  Ooohh You are missing out!
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