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Re: Is this expected ssh behavior?

Rob Browning <rlb@cs.utexas.edu> wrote:
>As am I.  It runs them just fine if I just do "ssh somehost".  But if
>I do "ssh somehost bash -c umask", I can tell that it hasn't run my
>startup scripts.  Further "ssh somehost bash" doesn't even give a
>prompt.  Ahh, now the pieces begin to fall into place...
>I just noticed that "ssh somehost bash -i" *does* give me a prompt,
>and that "ssh somehost bash -i -c umask" indicates that the scripts
>are being run.  However, the $PATH I get with "ssh somehost bash -i"
>indicates that although it's sourcing my ~/.bash* scripts, it's not
>reading /etc/profile.

`ssh host` allocates a tty, and so the shell you get is interactive.
`ssh host command` does not allocate a tty, so the shell is not
interactive and therefore won't source .bash files. `ssh -t host
command` allocates a tty, overriding this behaviour.

sshd does not create a login shell.

`man sshd` is your friend.

F.A.N.Finch       dot@dotat.at       fanf@demon.net       +44-7970-401-426
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