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Re: Automatic building of Debian: some results

> 1) Does "Source-Depend: foo" mean "I need package foo installed" or
> "I need package foo's source sitting in a directory close by?
> Presumably the former


> as the latter would only be needed in very rare cases (I think some
> of the pilot tools are like that).

It's not that rare... about every Tcl/Tk addon needs the tcl or tk
source, and there are similar dependencies all over the archive (e.g.:
nntp needs cnews).

> Maybe we can use "Source-Depends-Source" or similar for the second
> case.

I currently handle it with my "special dependencies" that also can
unpack a source tree and maybe configure it, whatever is needed.

> 2) What about "Source-Conflicts:"? The only example I know of is the
> bash issue already mentioned (i.e. bash built with "termcap-compat"
> installed builds incorrectly); I assume any automated engine which
> builds things can already figure out that, for example, a package
> that Source-Depend's on tcl7.6-dev won't build with tcl8.0-dev
> installed since those two conflict.

The latter is easy, use apt-get. And even if the bash example isn't
very convincing (the package can/should be fixed to use
--disable-termcap on ./configure), I think that such Source-Conflicts
(or "negative dependencies", as I have called them, because they have
no different field) can be useful. And they're not too hard to
implement, so why not?

> 3) Should Source-Depend cover also the tools used in the building
> process (for example, gcc, make, etc.) or should we declare a
> "standard set" of development tools which it is assumed are going to
> be installed on any machine on is going to run the build scripts on?

I've currently done that, and assumed that make and C/C++ compiling
environments are installed. But more because I was too lazy to type a
lot :-)

> Using a standard set seems to me like asking for trouble, and I
> doubt that the extra typing involved in adding "c-compiler" to the
> Source-Depends line is that much trouble.

You're right here, but using virtual packages is also a bit of
trouble... You have to find out which packages provide "c-compiler",
and then have to decide which one to install...

BTW, make must always be installed (for executing debian/rules), so it
can really be omitted.


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