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Re: Another possible slink goal (multipackages users profile)

Raul Miller writes ("Re: Another possible slink goal (multipackages users profile)"):
>Martin Schulze <joey@kuolema.Infodrom.North.DE> wrote:
>> > What's a shell?
>> Whatever you consider for interactive use, put into /etc/passwd and
>> use as login shell.  In think it's clear what's meant.  I wonder
>> why you try to split hairs.
>Because I think the problem you're trying to solve is larger than
>what goes into /etc/passwd -- if that was the extent of the problem
>then we could solve it by having /bin/login interpret something
>like /etc/environment.

Especially since some login methods (ssh, for example) don't use
/bin/login anyways (although for the case of env variables variables
ssh uses /etc/environment)...

One solution could be to implement something like the Modules system.
For those that haven't used it, Modules allows the sysadmin to create
"module" files with non-shell-specific commands to set aliases,
environmental variables (with append and prepend path capability), and
such.  Even has depends/conflicts.  Uses tcl/tk internally.

Not that I am suggesting the Modules system itself, as it has some
down sides (requires tcl to work (so yet another interpreter installed
on the system), is a royal $%^&##$ to build and test, and can get
quite complicated really quick.

But with a few debian developers working on it, we could probably come
up with something functionally equivalent written in perl (which is
already present on the system).

Richard W Kaszeta 			Graduate Student/Sysadmin
bofh@me.umn.edu				University of MN, ME Dept

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