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Re: Removal of logfiles?

Raul Miller <rdm@test.legislate.com> writes:

> A reminder email won't necessarily work.  Even if you had a dependency
> on mail transport agent, you can uninstall (which means dependencies
> don't matter any more) then later purge.
> A question in the postrm would be more useful.

As a last resort, if we can not agree... But I want the package gone, that's
why I do a purge... I don't nessesary want the log files gone.

I think the msql removal question 'should I remove your databases to?'
question is annoying enough! I have to install/remove msql all the time on
my machine to debug my program TCPQuota, every now and then, and that question
is really starting to annoy me!

Files that the package say it owns, fine, but _NOT_ any one, even if they
is some how created by that package or program(s) in the package!

(I have hereby stated my very serious opinion, I will try to reply any more)

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