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Re: Debian i386 freeze

>>"Alex" ==   <aqy6633@acf5.nyu.edu> writes:

 >> Manoj Srivastava wrote:
 >> >  We promise to put anything we create shall be under the GPL.
 >> Where in the social contract does it say that? `Not that I disagree with the
 >> thrust of your argument, Manoj, but I just don't recall us making this
 >> promise.

 Alex> Not to mention that it is just not true. If I remember
 Alex> correctly, Christian Schwartz used to put his own contributions
 Alex> to the Debian under Artistic license.

	Quite. It does say we shall have all our contributions be
 free, and the GPL is just one of the free licenses. But, we are truly
 in favour of freedom of software. So I think, at least personally,
 anything that furthers free software s good, and that includes a fere
 license that infects non-free software, is goodness, since it
 promotes stuff we are in favour off. (We like A, B promotres A, so we
 are quite likely to like B)

 "Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad
 training." Anna Freud Well, sometimes, anyway. Mark Brader,
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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