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Re: Summary of KDE threads?

Hamish Moffatt <hamish@debian.org> wrote:
> But that's the right for Debian only. Doesn't the DFSG also demand
> that the right to distribute be passed on, eg to distributions based
> on Debian?

On the one hand, that's not relevant because even if the KDE folk grant
us the exception that section 10 of their license says we should ask of
them, the result wouldn't be DFSG free.

On the other hand, it's pointless to grant "debian" the right to
distribute something.  There is no person or corporation named "debian".
So does "debian" mean anyone who claims that they're a member of "debian"?
Does it mean people with names or keys mentioned in the key ring?  Does it
mean only from a debian.org or debian.com server machine?  Does it mean
that dpkg must be used?  Does it mean that the word "debian" must appear
on the cdrom?

So the issue isn't DFSG here -- we're not even trying for that.

But a "debian-only" license just doesn't solve anything.


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