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Re: Debian i386 freeze

>>"Alex" ==   <aqy6633@acf5.nyu.edu> writes:

 Alex> So, I would say "why would anyone put it's software under GPL,
 Alex> the license meaning of which is not clear, allowes for many
 Alex> grey areas, and depends on what RMS says today?"

	Seems to me that the GPL is quite clear. The lack of clarity
 was in trying to use "non-free" software in conjunction with
 GPL'ed software. The solution, of course, is to stick with Debian,
 which is 100% free software ;-) ;-)

	The GPL is an instrument of people who believe in this
 community of people all out to help each other (like people building
 Barns in the farming communities -- scores of people would show up
 for a barn raining, and there were no contractors or sub contractors
 around.  Of course the building industry would like to break in and
 get paid for raising barns too. Hmm... carrying this analogy further is

	Anyway, Alex, we have hased this out before on the list; I
 don't think either side is likely to give on this.

	Remember, if we were to opt for maximal popularity and to
 maximize the number of software packages, we should be on a windows
 98 mailing list. Linux came about because people were not really
 going for maximal software packages -- MS platforms have always had
 the edge.

 holding the line

 "After the first year, Captain Kirk lost his secretary, Yeoman Rand.
 She used to bring him coffee (even heating it with a hand phaser in
 times of galley distress) and hand him clipboards with flashing
 lights on them for him to initial.  I wonder whatever happened to
 her..." karl@neosoft.com
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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