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Re: Debian i386 freeze

> > 
> > 	When harmony works, and its a drop in replacement and KDE is
> > dynamically linked, I would imagine that makes KDE DFSG free.   How could
> > it be otherwise ?
> Except that the declared KDE position (as stated by one of the team at the 
> recent UKUUG Linux event) is that they will make no concessions in 
> order to make harmony possible (i.e. they will adopt Qt features the moment 
> they become available, even if harmony was just about to catch up), and they 
> would only move to an alternative Qt when that alternative is ``better'' than 
> Qt itself.
> These two things taken together can be taken to mean that the KDE folks have no 
> intention of ever using anything other than Qt, so what's the point of 
> bothering with harmony ?
I would like to note, that "the KDE folks" are not just the one you've 
mentioned. I really would beg to differ.

Thanks, Stephan

Stephan Kulow (coolo@kde.org)
Student of medical CS
Medical University of Luebeck (MFCH)

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