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Re: Status of qmail?

>I am aware of the quirky licensing of qmail which so far has prevented  it
>from being packaged.

>What I would like to know is if any Debian developer is working on packaging
>qmail.  Or maybe qmail under a different name?

>Alternatively, has someone looked at a placeholder package or a
>qmail-install package?

>This may have been covered before, but I have been on this mailing list only
>for a week or so.

  There is a qmail-src package in the non-free section.  That has the source
to Qmail and some scripts to compile it and create a Debian package.  The idea
is that you install qmail-src, make your qmail_xxxx.deb file, install it, and
then purge qmail-src.  It works well for me and I doubt that anything else
needs to be done at the moment.  Thanks to Philip Hands for the fine work.

I'm an independant computer consultant.  I prefer to do Linux administration
and programming.  OS/2 programming is also fun, and I do sometimes do NT
programming.  I mainly do C++ programming, but would like to get into Java.
This should satisfy the curiosity of those on SERVER-LINUX.

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