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Re: ok, now for my paranoid ranting


	If Debian GNU/Linux has so little intrinsic worth that we need
 be scared of another free project may one day supplant us, then we
 deserve to be supplanted. 

	The only way GNU/HURD can supplant GNU/Linux is if it is
 better than GNU/Linux; in that case, I say more power to it.

 A wise man, abandoning the principle of darkness, should cultivate
 what is pure. Leaving home for the homeless life, let him seek his
 joy in the solitude which people find so hard to enjoy, and,
 abandoning sensual pleasures, let him cleanse himself of inner
 defilements, looking on nothing as his own. 87, 88
Manoj Srivastava  <srivasta@acm.org> <http://www.datasync.com/%7Esrivasta/>
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