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Re: Having a non-free and a non-cd branch?

Maybe I missed the clue wagon and need a new ticket.  The point of
things being in non-free is that they do not fit our DFSG, hence they do
not belong in our distribution as first class citizens -- is it not?  A
Debian CD should only contain main, which is the actual Debian and
possibly contrib.  non-free can be added by third parties, by Debian
developers making their own CD's, and anyone else who feels like it.  We
as a group are devoted to FREE software, and we should not change this
merely to allow a couple of packages onto a CD.  Many of us use Linux
because it is a free alternative to non-free software.  Many of the apps
that we use everyday and are GPL became that way because a person or a
group of people said "I want to do X, but I refuse to use non-free
software".  So they went an wrote a GPL replacement.  We should continue
this chain of events, not inhibit it.  I believe that many of the Debian
maintainers need to go back and re-read Debians core docs and then come
back to this discussion.  The social contract and DFSG exist for a
reason.  They are not just 1's and 0's we wave around.

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