Re: Having a non-free and a non-cd branch?
> The more I am think about it the more it seams that having a separate
> non-cd branch (to include packages that cannot be distributed on cd rom)
> and a non-free branch (to include programs that are ok to distribute)
> seams like a really good idea.
> Has this idea been discussed before and if not what do you think of the
> idea.
Yes, this idea was discussed many times and pretty thoroughly :)
The rationale for current situation is that Debian don't want to take
responsibility and decide on which of the "problem" packages are still CD-
distributable and what is not.
Another reason is that according to Debian "Social contract" (see this distribution is about "free" software and all the
non-free packages should be "punished" by not including them into
Debian Official CD.
I presonaly don't like that second reason very much, but the things are the
way they are.
Meanwhile, ther are some CD vendors that ship Debian with the portions of
non-free packages. Ask on debian-user about them.
Alex Y.
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