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Re: Access to an Alpha for package compilation?

Christopher C Chimelis <chris@beezer.med.miami.edu> writes:

> On 19 Jun 1998, Douglas Bates wrote:
> > I am the maintainer of the r-base package which provides a language
> > for statistical computing and graphics.  I am also on the development
> > team for the upstream sources.  We recently released R-0.62.1 which I
> > packaged it up for slink (it was too late for hamm).  I have no
> > trouble compiling the package on i386 systems and it passes our
> > regression tests.  I can compile the upstream sources on Solaris/SPARC
> > and Solaris/Intel.  I am having problems with Digital Unix on Alpha.
> > I would like to see if Debian GNU/Linux on Alpha can compile and run R
> > cleanly.
> Funny you should mention it...I was just going to fetch it and build it.
> If you give me some test info, I'd be happy to test it for you too....

After building the package type
 make tests

That will do several tests in a subdirectory called tests/Examples.

On a Digital Unix system it does nothing because the program dies as
soon as it starts up.  On other systems you get several .Rout files
and one great gronking .ps file from the graphics.  Take a look at it
under gv or something similar.  If you get things that look like data
plots, we are running.

Another test are installation is to start R which should give you

 R : Copyright 1998, The R Development Core Team
 Version 0.62.2 in progress (June 20, 1998)

 R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
 You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
 Type	"?license" or "?licence" for distribution details.

 R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
 Type	"?contributors" for a list.

 Type	"demo()" for some demos, "help()" for on-line help, or
	 "help.start()" for a HTML browser interface to help.

then type, in response to the "> " prompt
 > demo("graphics")

That will check the X11 graphics driver.  You are asked to keep
hitting "Return".  When you get back to the prompt, use
 > q()
to quit.  (^D also works, I think.)

Thanks in advance.

Douglas Bates                            bates@stat.wisc.edu
Statistics Department                    608/262-2598
University of Wisconsin - Madison        http://www.stat.wisc.edu/~bates/

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