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Re: New priority?

On Tue, May 19, 1998 at 09:20:47PM -0400, Brandon Mitchell wrote:
> > Sounds like keywords would be more appropriate, and more flexible...
> Agreed, I don't see anything that apt and keywords can't handle.  It also
> makes maintaining the archive easier, and viewing the packages more
> flexible.  (Those that want to get packages with a browser are probably
> better off using a keyword search engine with a web based interface.)  I
> also see some common tricks (like ls */*.deb) breaking, requiring scripts
> to be fixed.

Apt is cool enough that it could have all the .debs in the same place and
it'd do fine..

ie, dists/slink/main/*.deb, dists/slink/contrib/*.deb etc..  However, DON'T
DO IT even though it'd work.  =>  That would suck hard if you were using an
ftp client just to go grab one file from a site real fast..

Would an optional Also-appears-in: <section>[, section ...] type header do
it?  You'd have to look harder if you were looking for a package by ftp, but
there are some rather raw ideas in my head for dealing with that too.  I'll
get some of them hatched a bit more and suggest them then.

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