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Re: New priority?

the whole priorty system has a major flaw : 
the user decides what is important - a firewall needs other programs than a
xterminal, a workstation or a file/web/... server.

suggestion: drop the priority thing at all. it's ok to save packages in a flat
system, but for navogation a deeper system with mor information could improve
things a lot.

example :

	is ok for a filename.

	is a better descriptive name (it's a subpart of perl, a module, and
	called www - if you know cpan (as every perl programmer does),
	this name i easier to understand).

look at the mail/ dir - it could be splited in

with a good navigation you could skip the whole lang/perl tree if you are not
interested in it.

the other thing debian needs is lists of packages as coarse adjustment. e.g.:
"firewall - everything you need to build, run and maintain a firewall"
you can do fine tuneing later. this should also be splitted in two parts - 
a base set and add on packs. e.g base pack "x11 development workstation"
and extension packs "graphic development", "c/c++ development" ...

comments ?


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