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Re: upstreams maintainer conflict, was: wget: remove outdated manual page

Here's a new man page for wget.  Basically, I just copied a bunch of
stuff out of the info document, and then trimmed out things I felt
were more tutorial than reference.

I've written it in perl's plain old documentation format, to create the
man page save this message in a file named wget, and execute:
  pod2man --section=1 --center=' ' --release=wget wget >wget.1

=head1 NAME

B<wget> - File-oriented World Wide Web retrieval program


B<wget> I<[options] URL1 [URL2 ...]>


B<wget> typically retrieves the contents associated with urls, and saves
them in files under the current directory whose paths are derived from
the file's url. For a detailed description, please read: C<info wget>, as
this man page is intended only as a quick reference.


 -a LOGFILE, --append-output=LOGFILE
     Append to LOGFILE. Unlike -o, this will preserve any prior
     log file contents.

 -d, --debug
     Turn on debug output.

 -h, --help
     Print a help screen.

 -i FILE, --input-file=FILE
     Read URLs from FILE, in which case no URLs need to be on the
     command line. FILE may be an HTML document.

 -l DEPTH, --level=DEPTH
     Specify recursion maximum depth level DEPTH (default is 5).

 -nc, --no-clobber
     Do not clobber existing files when saving to directory hierarchy
     within recursive retrieval of several files.

 -o LOGFILE, --output-file=LOGFILE
     Log all messages to LOGFILE, instead of standard output, which
     is the default. If you do not wish the log output to be verbose,
     use -nv (non-verbose).

 -q, --quiet
     Surpress all messages.

 -r, --recursive
     Turn on recursive retrieving.

 -t NUM, --tries=NUM
     Set number of retries to NUM. Specify 0 or inf for infinite

     Wait the specified number of seconds between the retrievals.

 -V, --version
     Display the version of Wget.

 -v, --verbose
     Turn on verbose output, with all the available data. This is the


     Specify comma-separated lists of file name suffices or patterns
     to accept or reject.

 -c, --continue
     Continue retrieval of FTP documents, from where it was left off
     by another program or a previous instance of Wget.

     Set domains to be accepted and DNS looked-up, where DOMAIN-LIST
     is a comma-separated list. Note that it does *not* turn on

     This option tells Wget to delete every single file it downloads,
     *after* having done so. It is useful for pre-fetching popular
     pages through PROXY.

     Affects progress indication. STYLE may be default,
     binary, mega, or micro.

 -e COMMAND, --execute COMMAND
     Execute COMMAND as if it were a part of .wgetrc,
     after parsing .wgetrc.

 --exclude-domains DOMAIN-LIST
     Exclude the domains given in a comma-separated DOMAIN-LIST from

     Follow FTP links from HTML documents. Without this option, Wget
     will ignore all the FTP links.

 -F, --force-html
     When input is read from a file, force it to be treated as
     an HTML file.

 -g on/off, --glob=on/off
     Turn FTP globbing on or off (handling of *, ?, [ and ]). 
     Default is off.  Globbing attempts to parse the 
     directory listing from the remote machine.

 	Workaround for broken CGIs that send bogus Content-Length.

     Retrieve symbolic links on FTP sites as if they were plain
     files, i.e. dont just create links locally.

 -H, --span-hosts
     Enable spanning across hosts when doing recursive retrieving.

     Define an ADDITIONAL-HEADER to be passed to the HTTP servers.
     Headers must contain a : preceded by one or more non-blank
     characters, and must not contain newlines.

     You may define more than one additional header by specifying
     --header more than once. Specification of an empty string as
     the header value will clear all previous user-defined headers.

     Specify the username USER and password PASSWORD on an HTTP
     server. Wget will encode them using the basic (insecure) WWW
     authentication scheme.

 -I LIST, --include-directories=LIST
     Specify a comma-separated list of directories you wish to follow
     when downloading.

 -k, --convert-links
     After a document has been downloaded, convert non-relative
     links to that document to relative links.

 -L, --relative
     Follow relative links only.

 -m, --mirror
     Turn on options suitable for mirroring.  Currently equivalent
     to -r -N -l0 -nr.

 -N, --timestamping
     Turn on time-stamping.

     Do not create a hierarchy of directories when retrieving
     recursively, adds a numeric extension where required to
     avoid clobbering distinct files with the same name.

     Disable generation of host-prefixed directories. 

     Disable the time-consuming DNS lookup of almost all hosts.

 -np, --no-parent
     Do not ever ascend to the parent directory when retrieving

     Do not remove the .listing files generated by FTP.

     Non-verbose output--turn off verbose without being completely
     quiet (use -q for that), which means that error messages and
     basic information still get printed.

 -O FILE, --output-document=FILE
     The documents will not be written to the appropriate files, but
     all will be appended to a unique file specified by this option.
     The number of tries will be set to 1 automatically. If the FILE
     is -, the documents will be written to standard output, and
     --quiet will be turned on. This option is useful for making Wget
     a part of pipelines.

     Use the "passive" FTP retrieval scheme, in which the client
     initiates the data connection.

 -P PREFIX, --directory-prefix=PREFIX
     Set directory prefix to PREFIX. Default is .

     Specify the username USER and password PASSWORD for
     authentication on a PROXY server, which will be encoded
     using the basic authentication scheme.

 -Q QUOTA, --quota=QUOTA
     Specify download quota for automatic retrievals. The value can
     be specified in bytes (default), kilobytes (with k suffix), or
     megabytes (with m suffix).  Quota is checked after all files
     mentioned on the command line have been retrieved, and then
     after each file is downloaded.

     Setting quota to 0 or to inf unlimits the download quota.

 -S, --server-response
     Print the headers sent by HTTP servers and responses sent by FTP

 -s, --save-headers
     Save the headers sent by the HTTP server to the file, preceding
     the actual contents, with an empty line as the separator.

     Only check for existence of files -- do not download.

 -T seconds, --timeout=SECONDS
     Set the read timeout to SECONDS seconds, default is
     900 seconds and is almost always correct.

 -X LIST, --exclude-directories=LIST
     Specify a comma-separated list of directories you wish to
     exclude from download.

     The opposite of -nd, create a hierarchy of directories, even if
     one would not have been created otherwise.

 -Y on/off, --proxy=on/off
     Turn PROXY support on or off. The proxy is on by default if the
     appropriate environmental variable is defined.

=head1 SIGNALS

If sending anything to stdout, SIGHUP causes B<wget> to redirect this
stream to a file named F<wget-log>.


B<wget> sends password unencrypted, as required by the underlying protocols.

=head1 FILES

=over 4



F<$HOME/.wgetrc> or F<$WGETRC>



=head1 SEE ALSO

F<wget.texi> (available through C<info wget>).


If there are problems in this document, please feel free to fix them.

For details on the format, read the manpages for perlpod and pod2man.


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