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Re: kernel-package problem with fakeroot.


	This is working as intended. You see, in order to build the
 kernel with toot priviledges, one generally does 
 % fakeroot make-kpkg kernel_image

	When invoking the buildpackage target, that is suboptimal
 since not everything has to be done as root, (this was designed
 before fakeroot, and works for sudo et all); there fore a way was
 found to only use the rootcmd on targets where it is needed.

	Since make-kpkg just calls make with env variables set right
 and is just a wrapper, it would be just as easy for the user to say 
 fakeroot make-kpkg blah. Not mucking with where to and where not to
 use the rootcmd has been left to the human, letting make-kpkg be
 simpler (simpler code is less prone to bugs;-)

	However, if there is a great deal of interest, I can try make
 make-kpkg more intelligent, and prepend the command with fakeroot
 whenever one of the targets happens to be in the list of targets
 requiring root priviledges. I would rather not do this, since it
 seems to me that the benefits are not worth the effort.

	Maybe the error message should be enhanced?


>>"robbie" == robbie  <robbie@scot-mur.demon.co.uk> writes:

robbie> Hi I have just tried to compile 2.1.101 with kernel-package,
robbie> and the following happens. this machine has been upgraded to
robbie> frozen.

robbie> Script started on Mon May 11 09:29:47 1998 $
robbie> /usr/sbin/make-kpkg --rootcmd fakeroot --revision=custom1.0
robbie> kernel_image Warning: The rootcmd option (set to [fakeroot])
robbie> is only valid for the buildpackage target. The target is:
robbie> [kernel_image] Please hit return to continue

robbie> test -f stamp-configure || make -f
robbie> /usr/lib/kernel-package/rules configure ... touch stamp-build
robbie> need root priviledges make: *** [stamp-image] Error 1 $ exit
robbie> exit

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