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kernel make install

I downloaded the kernel-source_2.0.33-7.deb package and installed it on my
1.3.1r6 system.  (I needed the fat32 patch).  I now understand why I had
trouble patching kernel sources from .deb packages, because they have
already been patched, so patch tried to REMOVE the patch instead of
INSTALLING them.  The system previously had the 2.0.29 kernel installed
from the rescue disk at the time of the install.

Here's what I noticed....  /etc/lilo.config contained the line
image=/vmlinuz.    /vmlinuz was symlink /vmlinuz->/boot/vmlinuz-2.0.29

After compiling the new kernel ( make menuconfig ; make dep ; make clean ;
make zImage ; make modules ; make install)
the link at /boot/vmlinuz was /boot/vmlinuz->vmlinuz-2.0.33.
Lilo had run but the OLD kernel still booted until I made the link
/vmlinuz-> /boot/vmlinuz.  Then the new kernel would boot, and all was
correct each time I might
re-compile the kernel and make install to run lilo.

IE:  The symbolic link created at /vmlinuz when the system was installed
was not consistant with what the make install option expected.

Has this been fixed for hamm?  ( Or have I missed something here?)

Anyway thanks for the updated kernel.  Is there a text file somewheres that
lists all the patches that have been applied in a given .deb kernel package
for the given revision of that kernel (IE: whats different between the .deb
package and the .orig source files)?

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