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Re: dpkg-http and proxy cache

On Tue, May 05, 1998 at 08:25:44PM +0200, erikyyy@studbox.uni-stuttgart.de wrote:
> i have squid cache
> i have dpkg-http
> there was a time, when it worked. i could do [U]pdate in dselect, and he
> used the version of Packages.gz in the Cache.
> i can check that he uses the cache, because if i stop the cache, he fails.
> i can check, that the cache caches the file with Netscape.
> but i do not know, why dpkg-http doesn't take the cached version !

   It's probably a result of:
dpkg-http (0.13) unstable; urgency=low
  * Added Cache-Control headers to make Packages.gz very current (max_age=0)
    and *.deb very cachable (max_stale=1 year)

  Starting with 0.13, dpkg-http requests the upstream site to compare the
age of the Packages.gz file, and download a new one only if necessary.
ftp doesn't handle dates very gracefully, and squid may be downloading a new
copy even when unnecessary.  Some possible fixes:
1) configure squid to hold onto stale objects longer.  (wrong)
2) point your squid at your ISP's web cache, and let them do the
   download every time.  (somebody else's problem)
3) modify dpkg-http to set different Cache-Control values. (wrong)
4) modify squid/ftpget to support timestamps on ftp sites. (right.  Hard.)
5) Modify LWP (used by dpkg-http) to handle If-Modified-Since gets from 
   an ftp site.  Stop using squid with dpkg-http.  (right. hard.)
6) Use an http: mirror and avoid the problem.

   On the other hand, Packages.gz does change frequently, and new versions
should be downloaded when available.  There's no cure if this is the
problem.  Take a look at /var/log/squid/access.log to see exactly what squid
did about each request.

Dr. Drake Diedrich, Research Officer - Computing, (02)6279-8302
John Curtin School of Medical Research, Australian National University 0200
Replies to other than Drake.Diedrich@anu.edu.au will be routed off-planet

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